Sunday, April 26, 2009

Airbus Fright

I should now be studying in my hotel room. But I am feeling rather bored and sleepy.
Damn, I have the whole room to myself and I will have a hard time coping tonight.

Arrived safely (Thank Lord!) despite the distressing 40 minutes of rough flight.
I have never been on a plane ride feeling my heart in my mouth. The ride was so bumpy that at certain point, we (the passengers) were lifted off our seats as we felt the plane dipped for God-knows-how-many-meters. Screams filled the whole cabin, and it was really terrifying.

Apart from the dipping, the rest of the 40-minute journey was nothing else but a shit load full of tremendous shakes. So it has caused me to resent clouds after this experience. Because they were the "evil" culprit behind all the terror.

Praying very hard that my flight back on Wednesday would be less eventful. (Fingers crossed)

Gaa.. and the conference starts tomorrow. Boring~

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Haphazard Thoughts

We were at Sim Lim Square and Hubby asked if I wanted Wii for my birthday.
"I don't have time to play games lah..".. And so, the hubby bought another (his forth) psp. Ya he is very free, unlike me. Gaa!

There's a reason why I never liked Sim Lim Square. It's saturated with utterly deceitful merchants. We had to make 3 resentful trips to the same shop to "fix" his gadget before it can be used to play games. Kaoz!

Anyway, talk about the coming trip to Bangkok for my first Managerial Conference. So afraid that I'll be trampled to death by the Red Shirts, the venue was changed to Kuala Lumpur.

And the first person to cheer in consent is the father.
The parents have been calling me every other day just to ask, "How now? You still going Bangkok ah? Don't go lah, let other colleague go lor..."
So it's the attitude of "other people die also never mind lah, own daughter must stay alive".

Wahahaa.. as I'm typing, Jamie is stamping up and down mimicking an elephant and singing "yippi yai yai yippi yippi yai...". Upon her demand, I have to play the lion. I wonder why, why lion? Hmm... bye!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


It's Jade Resurrected!

There has been countless times where I wanted to blog my thoughts but the exhuastion just kicks in the moment I switch on my laptop. Damn! Not my fault right?!

Well, for the pure benefit of those who remembers my baby's birthday, the snapshots of her celebration is now available at her own web space.

I would really love to type in more things but I have to start working on my assignment like about NOW. The dateline is on Monday (13-Apr-09, 12 noon)

I'm totally consumed by eveything. Just one word to describe, drained.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost Gone

Kinda told Jaslin & Dawn that this is what I'll do to my blog, something that best describes what's been happening around here...

Busy packing... Spending New Year away, Winter clothes.. check. Jamie... check... Passport...check... Bye peeps!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Just Another Entry

On friday evening, the girls made their dinner and drinks arrangement for Fion who will be celebrating her birthday today.

The meet-up was great except when they mentioned about the passing of DLS's favourite tea lady, I was reduced to tears instantly. She was one amiable tea-lady whom I'll never forget, and she makes the greatest tea.


Over the past month, I've heard a handful of people who've passed due to cancer. The hubby's ex-officer (Colon cancer). A colleague's spouse (Nose cancer). A relative of mine (Liver cancer). And my favourite tea-lady (Stomach cancer).

Life's the way it is and death comes to everyone eventually.

Just another random and emo entry. Duh, nights.