Sunday, April 12, 2009


It's Jade Resurrected!

There has been countless times where I wanted to blog my thoughts but the exhuastion just kicks in the moment I switch on my laptop. Damn! Not my fault right?!

Well, for the pure benefit of those who remembers my baby's birthday, the snapshots of her celebration is now available at her own web space.

I would really love to type in more things but I have to start working on my assignment like about NOW. The dateline is on Monday (13-Apr-09, 12 noon)

I'm totally consumed by eveything. Just one word to describe, drained.


Mr Helping Hand said...


Good to have you back..

Lame! hahahaha~

ahFion said...

Jas: Great minds think alike.. =)
Jade: Can u imagine these 2 poor gals have been stalking your blog..