Saturday, September 06, 2008

So Here I Am

Did anyone even notice my absence? No?! Dammit... Probably because this site is no longer open for all eyes. And I can randomly vomit my thoughts.

Some updates.. The Hub's been very clingy lately, keeping me very occupied. And beyond his presence, I can only do things such as working, gyming & swimming. Anyway, it's been monotonous.

And so.. I went to the gym and did my usual workouts.. Can't feel healthier.. Wahahaha!! Just yesterday while I was merrily rowing, I couldn't help notice this mascular-build man who was also rowing beside me. And I couldn't help noticing him giving off an odor that was suffocating. I NEED AIR. As much as I wanted to run away from the station but my determination to complete the distance kept me going.

So as usual, the Hub will pick me up after my sessions. While I walked towards the carpark and was approaching his car, somebody called from behind. It's the mascular-build-odor-man,
claiming that he didn't wanna freak me out and just thought that we could be friends.. Well I thought he looked young and could even possibly be younger than me. Well of course that's not the point lah... Situation was tense because I could feel the Hub's eyes on us although he never stepped out of the car. Said no and then bye lor. Duh~ Waste time...

Hahaha... this bitch.

Further to my previous entry, I'm starting to believe that either there's a puncture somewhere or, my bosom, having a mind of its own, decides to self-compact!!! (Self-soothe...self-soothe)

SHIT. As usual, the Hub raises his concerns a couple of times. Ya right, concern...
As most of you would probably think that these are just bedroom issues between partners but I shared my thoughts with a guy friend who actually was comforting.. part of our conversation went something like...

"Hubby said my boobs are smaller now =( "

"How dare he say that. FUCK! He can say anything else but not your boobs! So insensitive!"

"Erm... actually I'm fine with the way I am, and to start with, I've never been well-endowed"
(which makes it all the more pathetic)

"Don't worry, You look fine. You got the right stuff. So just forget about what he said."

"Ya... thanks.."

"You're just nice the way you are now. Ignore him, not appreciative."

"Yep.. i know, that's the only way.. else? Boob job?... kekekeke...

And yadda yadda... conversation goes on...

F**K. Where has the sun been lately?
I miss tan is fading... F**k


Mr Helping Hand said...

I've noticed your absense (in the blog entries)

What is it with Guys and Boobs nowadays?

Just the other day, Johnson was complaining to me abt his team mates with big boobs but no brains. And went one round to 'shoot' me !! Arggg~

Anyway, dun be too bothered. I always tell myself, 够用就好!



LADY JADE said...

Proves you've got a heart.

He's got a BIMBO among the colleagues... Dammit then what's he waiting for?!?!?! Wahahaha!!

Well seriously, I'm not too bothered... ya babe.. 够用就好.

Mr Helping Hand said...

Its not his colleagues.. Its his school team mates. A MIC... =p