Monday, July 14, 2008

Oops, I did it again

Once again, Jade decides to perform her favourite stunt.
That is... to FAINT

YES.. after 1 hr 30 mins of continuous hardcore tanning (1130hrs - 1300hrs)...
Jade collapsed by the pool... resulting to mutiple abrasions especially the one below her right eye.

You see, this girl is extremely prone to fainting and when it happens, she'd just black out, drop and injure herself in any way that you can think of.

Eh, nothing out of the extraordinary because that's my only "special skill" okay?!
Me is definitely not weak, it was just that the sun was too hot and I had no water but I'll make it a point to drink during future tanning sessions.

p/s: Jaslin & Fion... our tanning session is still on. (OKAY??!!!)


Mr Helping Hand said...

At the rate u are 'burning' yourselves, you no need go artificial tan lo...

Take care please k?

ahFion said...

crazy gal... tan until faint... like that how we dare to ask u go tan ar??