Wednesday, September 19, 2007

She needs help

At 11.53am.. ..

'Somebody' in the midst of our mind-your-own-business session is feeling really bored..

At 12.10pm.. ..

That 'Somebody' is still as bored.. and maybe even more blah
Because... moments later she sent an email with the subject titled as "I have a secret to to tell you.."

And of course the rest of us responded with anticipation. BUT it turns out..

Now as I'm posting this, she is still grunting away plainly because nobody bothers about her being bored..
Muahahahahahahahahaha! Muahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Anyway I am bothered and that's why with this entry I'm hoping to make you realise how boh-liao you've been and well, since you are bored.

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