Monday, August 27, 2007


Friday: Because they wanted to lay new carpets to the whole office. Fine. I packed everything, labelled, locked every drawer and cupboard.

Monday: I arrived at work and started to clean my workstation off any dust that was collected during the carpet laying and to my horror, I saw this…

I DEMAND to know which future tortured victim of mine DARED damage my cupboard over the weekend. F*CK! It's not like my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder isn't bad enough yet. Now I can't shut the fugging doors properly. They look f*cking disorganised and that is an eyesore.
I hate people messing with my desk and I definitely HATE people DAMAGING my stuff!

I expect my workstation to be in order so much that I delibrately got Rahim to tighten the squeaking hinges of the cupboard door because it has to be in excellent condition before I can put my things in there.

Anyway, whoever you are, I have to and I must curse you with every fibre of my living including the ones in my poop!


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