Tuesday, October 09, 2007

"Somebody" ate my gummy

You know how terrible it feels to realise that there is a sneaky-being among your colleagues. Because not only did this person take my stuff without permission, but he/she also consumed what was mine. OMFG.

What pisses me off the most is the person's actions, not just a matter of losing my gummy. Argh!

The gummies were given to me by another friendly colleague. To be honest, I wasn't very keen to try them so I left the duo sitting on my desk for the past few days. Until yesterday that I curiously opened one of them to test my endurance for sour-ness. And I realised it was too sour for me to take so I left the other piece alone.

But that dosen't mean he/she can eat it for me. What if I've left both of them untouched.. would that mean he/she will conveniently take both? OMFG!

And to further aggravate the matter, the culprit discarded the wrapper in my waste-paper basket, as if trying to prove his/her arrogance.

Wah piang eh!


Mr Helping Hand said...

I seriously suspect its WS cos he just ate Fion's gummy too..

LADY JADE said...

Yah.. I kinda suspected it was him. Haha!
Maybe he's addicted to the sour-apple gummy ever since the day I offered him one, like a week ago or something.

So, it all boils down to whose fault?


ahFion said...

duhz... he took both my gummies... sob~ dun even bother to ask lehz... sob~ x 2