Monday, October 08, 2007

Is it just a Bad Day?

Everyday is a new day, everyday is a new beginning. But definitely not Monday 'cos it kills.
Almost everything went wrong this morning.

I woke up at nearly 9 o'clock and of course I'm late, nothing new though.

Stuck a note beside my bag last night, to remind myself to pay Galsstreet for the clothes: "$66.70 POSB Saving xxx-xxxxx-x" but I ended up forgetting that piece of note.

Stood in-front of the ATM machine while I called Jaslin for Galstreet's account number but the stupid machine refused to perform funds transfer despite multiple attempts.

Walked around in desperate need of another ATM machine.

Hailed a cab to office again.. Nothing extraordinary, just that it made me realise how wealthy I am. To think that I take a taxi to work everyday. -DUH-

Stepped into the partition, again everyone was unusually quiet probably because it's Monday.
As I sat there minding my own stuff, I thought to myself..
Why am I here?
How long will I last?
Who are my friends?
Who are my colleagues?
Do they care?

Does my life seem too perfect to an extent where nobody.. and absolutely no one ever pays any attention..
Or I simply do not deserve it.
Must your friends break down and cry before you realise something is bothering them?

Argh! What the Fuck.

Have a "good" day ahead.


ahFion said...

every1 oso kana attacked by monday blues...afternoon will b fine okie... no1 works on monday morning.... lalala~~ we all do our own things...

Mr Helping Hand said...

What happen to u?
What's bothering you?

I dunno what to say, cause, maybe in a way, I am (we are) all guilty of not showing enuf concern for each other.

But.. I thot that usually, when we face unhappiness/displeasure be it personally or at work or over anything, we will always just blah out on our blog(s) or to each other…

So.. Tell us, what happen k?

LADY JADE said...
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LADY JADE said...

I dunno how much is enough and when is it not.

But my post was merely an entry of how I felt and my thoughts at that particular point of time.

And during that, everything bothers me. From the sun to the air I breathe.
Just everything.