Wednesday, October 03, 2007

papa, the taxi driver

The cab ride to work this morning wasn't very pleasant and it also stirred some emotions in me.

Because I was later than late, I didn't have time to walk to the ATM for cash withdrawal. I asked the driver whether he would accept NETS payment before boarding which he answered with a nod and a "有".
Upon reaching my office, he asked whether I want to drop at an ATM to withdraw some cash..

I almost wanted to scream at him can.. "Hallo Uncle?? I asked whether you accept NETS and now you want me to drop somewhere and withdraw cash to pay you?! You okay anot?!?!!"

But I refrained from doing so because I could almost visualize Papa being the driver.. and I started to wonder where he would be, now..

You see, Pa is now a cabbie driver.

I don't know why but I'm getting rather upset at the thought of my dearest father encountering nasty passengers who might "bully" him. Argh!
I'm now the most concerned member of the family and am constantly asking about his day, asking about his passengers...
Actually, part of me still prefers Pa to work in his ex-company rather than being a cabbie driver.

Okay, i'm acting up again..

If only I can make plenty of money, I'll ask Pa & Mdm Chong to stop working once and for all.. But *sigh* If Only.

Something that I've been telling him, repeatedly..
"老豆,please don't let anyone take advantage of you hor.. Customers are not always right you know."

Oh... 世上只有爸妈好。。。

Jade, the emo girl

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