The Contractor: BigGlobe Construction Pte Ltd (hereinafter called "BG")
Was having our usual VO meeting at the site office and after hours of negotiations without common agreement, I began feeling ultra bored.
BG is currently trying to milk a sum of S$30,000 out of GT just for the mentioned protection, without valid justifications or what-so-ever.
Looking at the photos, do the few miserable pieces of plywood even define what's supposed to be protection? And will such frail-looking plywood cost 30 grand? - Pui Chao Nua a.k.a Spit Smelly Saliva
Ms 'Thumb' ar.. Sobi and I are on the verge of slaying our throats when comes to debating with you. *Sigh*
How I wish you could be more rational and stop being ridiculous and snappy.
Well, the residential portion of the development is somewhat completed. So we paid 'visits' to some units.
One of the balconies, overlooking the opposite building with a private pool and jacuzzi. Wahahaha.. Awesome view isn't it?!
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